Fully automated product roadmaps
for your customers

Reduce churn and increase revenue with fully automated product roadmaps, gather customer feedback and product ideas, deeply integrated with your current PM software.

Easy to set up and configure, requires minimal effort to keep running, and is fully integrated with your current Project Management software.

Focus on what matters

80% of customer feedback comes from free/trial users, while the most revenue is in 20% of the user feedback. Don't get distracted by the noise and focus on your most valuable customers.

Join the waiting list

Fully automated

No extra tools to maintain, Roadmappr only requires a single initial setup. Everything is fetched from, and pushed back to, your current project management software.

Join the waiting list

Integrations launching soon:

    • github
    • gitlab
    • jira

And more coming later:

    • trello
    • youtrack
    • asana
    • clickup
    • monday
    • wrike

Join the waiting list

Interested? We'll keep you up to date on our launch.
We'll even add a coupon code for our early adopters.

(GitLab, GitHub, Jira, Trello, Clickup,...)

Frequently asked questions

    • What does Roadmappr do?

      Roadmappr gets all issues from your issue tracking software that match your filter, and creates a public roadmap for your customers with it. It also gathers new feature requests and customer feedback, and pushes this to the relevant issues in your issue tracker. We'll make it easy to prioritise things by including relevant information, such as cumulative revenue.

    • How automatic does Roadmappr work?

      99%. We're dedicated to make Roadmappr as automatic as possible. Get, set and forget! All information is fetched from, and pushed to, your current project management software.

    • How does Roadmappr reduce my churn?

      By gathering product feedback and engaging with your customers. Find out what's important to your customers, and let them know what you're working on.

    • How does Roadmappr increase my revenue?

      By gathering needs from your most valueable customers, taking cumulative revenue into account when prioritizing feature requests. You'll be able to focus on the requests that come from the customers that generate the most revenue.

    • When does Roadmappr launch?

      We don't have a specific launch date set yet, so join the waiting list and we'll keep you updated on our progress.

    • What will Roadmappr cost?

      We haven't decided on our pricing yet, but we'll make sure it's worth it. We're especially thankful for our early adopters, so join the waiting list to get a great discount once we launch!